Fifty years after the landmark Griswold decision, birth control has become a staple in the lives of American families, yet is still anchored in legal controversy. As we celebrate Griswold’s powerful legacy and the important steps taken to make birth control access a reality, we must also hold our breaths that the courts do not undermine this tremendous progress. In the meantime, we also must continue to work to ensure that every woman in America has access to the birth control she needs.
...a grassroots organization for women focusing on reproductive health care, advocacy for emergency contraception, voter registration, life long education and mobilizing awareness through media influence which empowers women and youth. Support Network - Resources - Empowerment
Celebrating 50 Years of Legal Birth Control
Fifty years after the landmark Griswold decision, birth control has become a staple in the lives of American families, yet is still anchored in legal controversy. As we celebrate Griswold’s powerful legacy and the important steps taken to make birth control access a reality, we must also hold our breaths that the courts do not undermine this tremendous progress. In the meantime, we also must continue to work to ensure that every woman in America has access to the birth control she needs.